A few weeks ago I received a 'poke' on Facebook. I don't get many of these, and, following Horchow rule #1 - "reach out to those you don't know" - and rule #8 - "Be vulnerable", I responded. The young lady poking me turned out to have quite a number of mutual friends, including some of my closest professional colleagues. She represented herself as a child advocate, working with a non-government organization helping homeless kids. Given my work, I take an interest in such organizations, and was certainly open to learning more about her.
I first messaged her to ask how she knew them, and she sent back a convincing answer.
I checked with one colleague, who said he didn't know her personally. He added "she's ok". So I accepted her friend request. And when she suggested we chat on skype I agreed.
The next day she messaged me on FB, saying that she was free to skype. I said ok. She said she'd call, and a few minutes later she did.
Following Horchow Rule # 24 - "Minimize Small Talk," she wasted no time. Asking me if I were alone, she asked whether I wanted to have a little 'fun.' I asked 'what kind of fun do you have in mind?' She said, in effect, that she would masturbate and could watch her and masturbate until I climaxed. Her language was too colorful to include in a blog intended for mixed company.
I said: 'you have the wrong fellow. I am sorry, but you are wasting your time.'
The screen went dead.
Following Horchow Rule # 36 - Use Tech to Reconnect," she called back on skype a few minutes later. Foolishly, I answered. She was now stark naked, caressing her breasts and pleading for attention. "Please, she said. No strings attached." I said 'no thanks' and the screen again went dead.
At that point I finally blocked her. I felt invaded and very upset - and also hyper-stimulated. It took several hours to leave her behind.
When I discussed the incident with my wife Veronica and son Sjoma, Sjoma said he had recently read an article about young women in the sex industry. He found the number and variety of attractive young women working at different levels in this industry startling. Many are tied to criminal enterprises.
A bit of googling around led me to a host of accounts of skype sexploitation.
Here is one account:
"In the last hour or so I met a girl on chatroulette who after 2 minutes wanted to skype, so we swapped skype ID's and began skyping.
Basically she/he wanted to "have some fun" obviously being the idiot I am, I happily agreed and after about 4 or 5 minutes of me exposing mysellf, he/she disconnected and 5 minutes later called back and played a video of myself. After the video was played of myself the hacker then demanded I pay £300 into a paypal account. I told the hacker I had no money to pay him with so he then told me that he will share the video to a list of my friends and family. 5 or 6 of these names of my friends and family had their Facebook links next to their names.
After being threatened several times I deleted the hacker from my Skype list and blocked him from my account.
Since then I have been very scared and very worried, I can't even begin to imagine how horrible this will be if the video gets leaked. (he also sent me a link to the video to prove its authenticity).
I have also changed my privacy settings on Facebook.
I am so scared this video will get sent to the list of friends and family.
Can anyone help me with this!!?!?"
Lesson learned: I need to practice Horchow rule # 18 "Practice Exit Strategies."